Folsom National Little League Fundraising

Image Created by Kamie Southward

How many kids will be impacted by this campaign?


Who will benefit from this GivingPage?

Folsom National Little League is a volunteer-run organization that brings Little League to the Folsom Community, the youth and community of Folsom will benefit from this fundraiser.

How will the funds be used?

Funds raised will go directly toward maintaining fields and equipment and providing scholarship opportunities for youth who would otherwise be unable to participate.

What will the support mean to your group?

Your support ensures that Folsom National Little League can continue to bring Little League to the community of Folsom. Little League helps kids learn to work in a team environment, encourages good sportsmanship and dedication, and fuels a sense of accomplishment. Little League® believes in the power of youth baseball to teach life lessons that build stronger individuals and communities.
Created 29 days ago
This GivingPage ends in:
$ 4.00 of $ 10,000.00 Goal
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